Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More Thai Aglaonema hybrids in Australia .

Several more lovely hybrids are now being sold from a few nurseries here in Qld .

Thursday, November 18, 2010

new Alocasia

Fairly new species described by Alistair Hay a few years ago .. Alocasia wongii .
Looks very similar to princeps .

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Anthurium dressler

This beautiful black velvet leaf species has the reputation of being very difficult to grow , and it is . I lost many of the seedlings , but a few have finally matured .
Recent article in Aroideana points out the need for very good quality water , not unlike that of some carnivorous plants .

Tuesday, June 29, 2010



New foliage on these Aglaonema hybrids is impressive.

Seeds on the pink petiole species looks great .

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Aglaonema hybrids .. not so old ones .

Thais and Indonesians are releasing some superb stuf that is just not making it into the hands of the us poor Aussies backyarders . BUT some of the large leaf hybrids done by DR B. Frank Brown of Valkaria Gardens in Florida have been sold in a few nurseries up here . He wrote a book on Aglaonemas in 2002 ,, also wrote a book on Crotons and Cordylines .

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Alocasia lauterbachiana , New Guinea .

This very attractive species has not been readily available for a long time . Being a tropical species it is not the easiest to grow well . It can grow to a good size , but I have never personally seen one with a large trunk . I have seen a very well grown one in Bundaberg with many flowers and a good size . A nice close up picture of the stem and flower here from my files .