Monday, October 20, 2008

Some seeds just take forever to sprout !

Amorphophallus henryi , is an attractive small species from Taiwan . Very fast growing , I have got seeds in 3 years . I got another batch of seeds from one of the plants in my collection very early this year . And I had given up on them. Heard back from Jeremy at Melbourne Botanic Garden , and he had not seen any sprouts . WEll , there is a heap of sprouts in a pot today , nearly 1 year to sprout !

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dracontium polyphyllum .

Feast and famine , this easy to grow plant gives hundreds of tubercles . These are small tuberous offsets that form on the top surface of the mother tuber. They can take years to sprout , but ensure the plant forms a colony eventually . In hard times the tubers are eaten , I have not tried , but the way things are going it is handy knowledge to have . Mature tuber can get to 30 cms , and stem up to 2m high . This species also has attractive variegation on the foliage at times .
Infloresence is only small , and the fragrance is not putrid .

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Amorphophallus lewallei

Am . lewallei , this is a species from Africa , Burundi . I have grown a few from seeds distributed by Wilbert Hetterscheid.

This is the best flowering so far , the tuber was approx 15 cms dia. and I grew it for a year planted out in full sun near my grove of paeoniifolius . I stored it dry and recently planted it out near where I have a gigas .

Also planted around the same spot is a prainii that flowerd a few weeks ago , and a haematospadix that is about to open a flower now . Have not grown this sp. in full sun yet , but I have enough spare to try now .

If you look athe pictures on the IAS site , you will see there are a few colour forms of this sp.
And another very strange thing , is if pollinated the seeds will set almost 1m high .
The peduncle extends from few cm high it is in flower.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

some new Dracontiums

Must try and find out what this could be .
Got it as peruvianum , but I really must wait until it flowers to be 100 % . Lovely colour combination , cream green and pink . polyphyllum has a creamy coffee colour , and prancei is brown maroon . On the right here , croatii has distinctive black and white stripes .